Youth Insearch | Rebuilding Young Lives

Empowering young people to take control of their lives

Empowering young people to take control of their lives

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Youth Insearch is Australia’s leading peer-led youth trauma recovery organisation, dedicated to supporting at-risk youth aged 12-25.

We create safe spaces, where young people with lived experience support each other to heal from trauma, make meaningful peer connections, improve mental wellbeing
and overcome life challenges. We do this through a unique combination of group work and individual support. This enables young people to break negative cycles and create
lasting change in communities.

Our lived experience peer workers and youth leaders work within multidisciplinary teams embedded within communities. Through community collaboration, we provide
wrap around support and advocacy for young people experiencing complex challenges.

We run Weekend Workshops, Weekly Support Groups and Individual Support for young people to connect and develop life skills. 


Participation with Youth Insearch empowers young people to take control of their life and become an asset to the community.