Lions International
Lions International
Youth Insearch has had a long partnership with the Lions Clubs around Australia extending back to the 1990s.
Lions Districts Q3 and Q4 provide in-kind support by providing the venues, transport and catering for all our weekend workshops in Queensland.
We are very grateful to Lions Clubs for their continued support.
The Lions District 201 Q3 Youth Insearch Project is overseen by the District Governor Carmel Goldsworthy and the Youth Insearch Project District Committee. The Committee Chairman is Lion Ray Mogridge.
They are supported by the various Lions Clubs in the District who make the Project possible by fundraising and providing financial support for the Project and volunteers for the accommodation, transport and catering.
The Lions District 201 Q4 Youth Insearch Project is overseen by the District Governor William Moore and the Youth Insearch Project District Committee. The Committee Chairman is Lion Barry Bridger.
They are supported by the various Lions Clubs in the District who make the project possible by fundraising and providing financial support for the Project and volunteers for the accommodation and catering.
Individual Lions Clubs
Lions Clubs from around Australia donate regularly to Youth Insearch which helps to cover the costs for local young people to attend the Youth Insearch program.