Support Groups
Support Groups
Youth Insearch offers a system of ongoing care and support for the young people that participate in the program, ensuring each young person is able to embark on a program of change while remaining within their own home and school environment.
This involves:
- Post-workshop Assessment
- Weekly Support Groups
- Peer Support Networks
- Individualised Support
Post-Workshop Assessment
Program staff immediately review the evaluation forms completed by the young people at the end of each weekend workshop to identify any issues that require immediate follow up and actions the help required.
Weekly Support Groups
Between the weekend workshops the young people attend weekly support groups in their local area. The support groups are held within a few days of each workshop and then at the same time and place each week. Young people are not eligible to attend the workshops unless they have a support group to attend following the workshop and agree to attend a minimum of three support group meetings.
Support groups continue the process of positive change. They ensure a structured means by which participants can integrate their new awareness with the reality of their situation. As the workshops are generally held every four to six weeks this enables the young person to remain connected between the workshops. The groups are run by the Youth Leaders with the support of the Community Coordinator, Adult Leaders and Support Adults. Please contact the Community Coordinator for the details of your local support group.
Peer Support Networks
Young people in the program from the same area form close friendships with each other as they have experienced the same issues and can relate to each other. They form a positive peer support network outside of the workshops and support groups. They assist each other each day in their local community to continue to make positive changes in their lives and withstand negative peer pressure. These networks include the Youth Leaders from the area who act as role models for the young people and offer advice and can refer difficult issues up to the Community Coordinator.
Individualised Support
Outside of the weekend workshops and support groups the young people are individually mentored and counselled by the Support Adults. This is usually the worker assigned by the referring service provider to support the young person in the program. The Community Coordinator works with the Support Adult to ensure the young person receives the support of the service for the issues being addressed with them in the program.
The Community Coordinator works with the Support Adult to ensure referrals to specialist counselling for the young people when required.