Wrapped with Love | Page 9 | Youth Insearch


Mon, 30/07/2018 - 21:39




In 1994 Sonia Gidley-King, founder of Wrapped with Love, was watching Sixty Minutes and they were doing a feature on Youth Insearch when Sonia realised that there were young people in Australia who haven’t experienced the love and acceptance they deserved. On this night, Sonia decided that every new member to the Youth Insearch Family would receive their very own Love Wrap which is a tradition that stills goes on today.

Each Love Wrap takes about 180 to 200 hours to complete and they could be made by one person or many. Either way there's a whole lot of love goes into making these blankets because every single stitch of every single square is made with love. Below are descriptions from four young people who have received a Love Wrap and what it means to them.


Emma wrote:

“ I felt all funny and emotional and a little bit sad because I had never had someone do something like that for me before, we don’t do stuff like that in my household.

It means a lot to me and I don’t let anyone touch it. It makes me feel happy when I use it and I feel safe like no one can hurt me.”


Ben wrote:

"My love wrap is the embodiment of my positive memories & emotional connection to Youth Insearch. It acts as a strong safety net to me whenever I feel down or upset and reminds me that I am loved & belong."


Zoe wrote:

"When I received my love wrap I felt a sense of warm ness. A sense of love and care. It felt familiar. In a way that I’ve never felt before. My love wrap is plain but I’m a way very unique like me. To me my love wrap means a lot to me. I don’t let anyone touch my love wrap unless I say they can. I am protective of my love wrap even when someone calls it a blanket. My love wrap is like a teddy you get given at birth and stays with you on your ride through life. I’ve had my love wrap since November 2017. Whenever I go for a sleep over it comes with me. Whenever I go on a camp it comes with me. I feel as if my love wrap is a part of me that’s how much it means to me. My love wrap comforts me when I feel lonely. My love wrap comforts me when I need to cry. I love my love wrap. More than any teddy I’ve ever had. It’s better than any teddy I could ever be given."


Jake wrote:

"My love wrap is symbolic to me, because I know I share one with all the people I met on camp, it reminds me of the love, time and dedication that people can have for those they may not even know."